Introducing CORE, the first 360° videoconferencing device for engaging meetings

We remove the pain points of hybrid meetings, by putting your colleagues at the centre of the table. Before you even ask, yes we repeat them four times.

Introducing BASE, the first mini 360° videoconferencing device for huddle rooms

Face-to-face meetings

Face-to-face meetings are the number one reason for coming to the office. Yet 58% of meetings are hybrid.
Visible is the only videoconferencing approach that ensures 100% of participants are actually face-to-face.

In-person users better engage with remote users thanks to 360˚ display

Like in a fully in-person meeting

Continuous vision of all participants

Collaborative and natural setup

Perfect presence of remote users

Remote users see in-person faces properly thanks to 360° vision

Like a fully remote meeting

Better sense of proximity and presence of self inside the room

Eye contact for all

Unveiling Visible CORE & Visible BASE

Keynote @ Bobst

The missing piece

Designed to easily deploy in your organization and connect to your existing setup. State-of-the-art components & Enterprise-grade security. At the heart of the conversation.